Tumbarumba High School P & C Committee takes enormous pride in promoting the interests of the school by bringing together parents, citizens, students and teaching staff to working closely and co-operatively in a positive manner. The P&C Committee were fortunate enough to be a benefactor of the Ian Giles Estate some years back. Mr Giles' generosity has meant that the P&C is in an excellent financial position. The Committee has made the decision, in line with Mr Giles' wishes, to spend this money on the students.
This dedicated group assist in providing facilities and equipment for school the school and promote the recreation and welfare off all students at the school
Membership is a low $5.00 annually, to assist with basic clerical costs, and gives you a voting right at all meetings and can be paid in conjunction with school fees.
The committee meets on a regular basis, every third Tuesday of the month during school terms, at 7.00pm We encourage parents to play an active and involved role in their children's school.
Again we welcome end encourage input from all interested community members, in particular anyone who wishes to be part of this Committee.
The Annual General Meeting is held in March.